U Create offers a great choice or creative classes, please book using the correct day and venue.
Commencing 1st Feb 2021
Mondays - Rainworth State School with Karen & Emma
9 weeks
Commencing 2nd Feb 2021
Tuesdays - U Create Studio with Linda
Commencing 3rd Feb 2021
Wednesdays - U Create Studio with Karen
Mondays 9:15-10am - U Create Studio with Carol
$15.00 a week
Tuesdays - Hilder Road State School with Karen
Commencing 4th Feb 2021
Thursdays - U Create Studio with
Mondays 10:30-11:15am - U
2nd class coming soon register your interest for a discount
Tuesdays - U Create Studio with
Commencing 5th Feb 2021
Fridays - U Create Studio with Karen